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Yanyuan agate, a treasure of nature

Yanyuan agate, a treasure of nature

Regular price $39.61 USD
Regular price $49.61 USD Sale price $39.61 USD
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✨Yanyuan Agate, a Treasure of Nature✨
Hi, dear friends! I want to share with you a beautiful and unique gemstone-Yanyuan Agate😍
Yanyuan Agate is produced in Yanyuan County, Sichuan. It has rich and diverse colors, including red, yellow, purple, green, etc. Each color is so bright and moving😘 Its texture is warm and delicate, with a unique silky luster, which makes people love it.
Yanyuan Agate is not only beautiful, but also believed to have some spiritual effects🙏 It is said to bring peace, peace of mind, and good luck, and help people relieve stress and anxiety.
Whether wearing Yanyuan Agate jewelry or keeping it as a collection, it can add a beautiful and unique charm to your life💖
If you also like good luck crystals, you might as well choose a piece of Yanyuan Agate and let it accompany you to spend a good time💕

盐源玛瑙产自四川盐源县,它的颜色丰富多样,有红色、黄色、紫色、绿色等,每一种颜色都那么鲜艳动人😘 它的质地温润细腻,有着独特的丝绢光泽,让人爱不释手。
盐源玛瑙不仅外观美丽,还被认为具有一些灵性功效🙏 据说它能带来平静、安心和好运,帮助人们缓解压力和焦虑。

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